Komori Group Human Rights Policy
The Komori Group (hereinafter referred to as "the Group") must deliver Kando to all stakeholders to create added value for the company and achieve its management philosophy of "Realization of Kando 'beyond expectations'" while also becoming a company that society as a whole expects to grow and develop.
Therefore, the Group conducts its business based on the principles below with respect for human rights, compliance with all relevant laws, international rules, and the spirit of such laws, both in Japan and overseas, and acting with high ethical standards toward the creation of a society capable of sustainable development:
In accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we have established the Komori Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter "the Policy") to promote respect for human rights.
- 1.Basic approach
The Group supports and respects international norms on human rights, including the International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenants on Human Rights) and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization (ILO), which stipulates fundamental rights at work. We aim to realize the principle of respect for human rights in our business activities. - 2.Scope
The Policy applies to all directors (including their equivalents) and employees of the Group (including employees who are employed for a fixed term, such as commissioned, senior, temporary and part-time employees).
We will also encourage the Group's suppliers and other interested parties to follow this policy. - 3.Respect for human rights
The Group respects the human rights of all stakeholders. All forms of discrimination (race, religion, gender, age, nationality), harassment, violence, forced labor, child labor, inhumane treatment, and such like are strictly prohibited and freedom of association, decent working conditions and working environment are protected. The Group also provides safe services to customers, discloses appropriate information and, as a good corporate citizen, works in harmony with the local community. - 4.Human rights due diligence
The Group has established a human rights due diligence mechanism to identify negative human rights impacts, prevent and mitigate them, assess the effectiveness of efforts, fulfill accountability, and its responsibility to respect human rights. - 5.Education and training for employees
The Group will provide appropriate education and awareness-raising activities for the Group's employees to ensure that this policy is effectively implemented in our business activities, and will work to ensure that this policy takes root throughout its business activities.
Adopted in November 2024.
※This policy was approved by the CSR Committee.