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Since our founding in 1923, the Komori Group has adhered to the starting point of manufacturing with a focus on quality and trust, and under the management philosophy of "Realization of Kando 'beyond expectations'," we, as a printing press manufacturer, have supported information, culture, and the economy by providing products and services that inspire customers around the world. Positioning "Kando: Beyond Expectations," we have made strong strides towards creating Kando not only for customers, but also for all stakeholders, including business partners and employees.
The environment in which we operate has changed dramatically in recent years, and the way the printing industry does business is also changing dramatically with a transition from paper to electronic media. Meanwhile, the world is also undergoing a period of major change, and social challanges and megatrends, such as climate change, natural disasters, population and resources issues, and geopolitical issues, are becoming more apparent. As a result, corporate social responsibility is increasingly required to resolve these issues.
Against this backdrop, we have formulated our Long-term Vision "Komori 2030," which looks ahead to 2030, starting from the purpose of "Delivering Kando 'beyond expectations' by contributing to society with print technology." Under "Komori 2030," we aim to create social and economic value by solving social issues and megatrends that we need to address in the medium to long term, and by transforming our own business with the aim of continuously increasing our corporate value.
We will continue to work towards solving social challenges through our business and corporate activities, thereby meeting the trust and expectations of all our stakeholders, and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society. We engage in fair, transparent, and free competition and proper business dealings, communicate with all stakeholders, and disclose corporate information in a proactive and fair manner.