Sustainability Policy
We at the Komori Group aim to deliver satisfaction and Kando to all our stakeholders by supporting social culture through print technology and achieving our management philosophy "Realization of Kando 'beyond expectations'."To achieve this goal, we will continue to respond flexibly to changes in society and the external environment, and contribute to solving social issues and creating a society capable of sustainable development.
- We will conform to the needs of our customers all over the world and also provide safe, high-quality products, technologies, and services to gain their satisfaction, trust, and share their excitement in addition to solving social issues and improving corporate value.
- We recognize that addressing environmental issues is a challenge common to all humankind and an essential requirement for the continued existence of a company in society. Therefore, we will act proactively to address these issues.
- We respect the human rights and diversity of all stakeholders, as well as the laws of each country and region and various international norms.
- We respect the diversity, personality, and individuality of our employees and strive to create a safe, healthy, and rewarding workplace through human resource development and internal environmental improvement.
- We engage in fair, transparent, and free competition and proper business dealings, communicate with all stakeholders, and disclose corporate information in a proactive and fair manner.
Komori's materiality
Komori's activities are both business and corporate related.
To achieve the business goal, Komori will provide three solutions for business transformation. To achieve the corporate goals, Komori will prioritize environmental, social and governance (ESG) management.
Through both channels, Komori will contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Materiality in business activities
1)Production solutionwith low environmental impact | We provide "production solutions with low environmental impact" by creating a new solution business derived from sophisticated print technology. |
2)Automation, informatization,and labor-saving solutions | We provide "automation, digitalization and labor-saving solutions" by integrating print technology with production quality data, optimized workflows, etc. that constitute a Smart Factory. |
3)Solutions that respondto the diversity of society | To enable the utilization of print technology in new domains, we achieve open innovation and globalization, thereby providing "solutions that cater to social diversity." |
Materiality of corporate activities
1)Environment |
2)Society |
3)Governance | To strengthen corporate governance to meet stakeholders' expectations, Komori is working on ensuring transparency in management through integrated reporting. |